Featuring fully configurable (custom CAN BUS), the PLEX µSDM® series of micro displays are suitable for most after-market ECUs and OBDII (ISO15765). They are the same overall quality and feature the majority of the functionality found on PLEX’s larger SDM Dash Displays. It works both vertically and horizontally, is available in two version: Basic (µSDM-100®), and Pro (µSDM-102®, featuring 32MB of datalogging memory, six inputs, an RS232 input, two thermocouple inputs, Math channels, and more.)
2.4″ OLED Display
Ultra high contrast. Vivid low distraction graphics. Auto Dimming. Anti-reflective coating.
Smart Alarms / Warnings
Easy to set-up pre-loaded alarms with history of last 100 kept in memory with duration, value and time.
Permanent Engine Log
Continuous independent log of key engine parameters with min. & max. values and histograms.
Ultra Fast Refresh Rate
20Hz display refresh rate ensures real-time viewing experience with no lags in between.
Fully Configurable CAN BUS
Pro-level CAN BUS configuration for both message receive and message transmit.
Intuitive PC Software
Advanced yet easy & quick to use configuration & device management Windows PC Software
Auto Page Changing
Hands-free display page changing based on user defined conditions or engine events.
Up to 128 Data Channels
Display up to 128 data channels: ECU, OBDII, sensor and internally calculated.
Motorsport Specifications
High-quality CNC aluminum enclosure and military spec wiring ensure rigorous long-term use.